SRS Global school in meerut
SRS Global school in meerut
SRS Global school in meerut


Visit to GAUSHALA SRS Global School

5 December 2022 10:00 Am - 5:00 Pm SRS Auditorim Event

“Children love to play & learn by outdoor activities. It allows them to explore their environment & gain self confidence.”
We at SRS Global School aims at Theme based learning for the holistic growth of the students. Visit to a cowshed “ Guashala” was one such endeavour to let the children see cows closely as a part of on-going theme “Let’s know Animals” in the Pre-primary Wing. Students went to Gaushala on 1st November 2022 on the occassion of "Gopashtami".
There were around 55 students along with 5 mentors who visited the Gaushala. Students got fascinated by seeing so many cows together and enjoyed feeding them.
Students explored and enjoyed looking at various things. It was a fun-filled learning experience for them.